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A-Z List Databases: Tips for troubleshooting databases

List of databases Phillips Memorial Library owns and subscribes to.

Troubleshooting Database Problems


On Campus

In general, if you are trying to use one of the library databases you will not be asked for a user name and password.  There are a very few databases that require you to login with a user name and password and that information is provided in the description of the database on our Database A-Z and Database Subject lists.

  • If you are on campus and are asked to provide a user name and password, first check the Database lists for the information. If no login information is noted on the database list then there is a problem with either the way you are accessing the database or a problem on the vendor's end. 
  • Always access the library databases from the Database lists on the Library's homepage. 
  • Bookmarking of databases in your web browser is generally not a good way to access our databases as not all databases recognise your right to use a database based on your IP (Internet) address, and vendors make changes to login details all the time.  The links on the Library's Database pages are scrupulously kept up to date to insure access 24/7/365.
  • If you are accessing the database from the Library website and are asked for login information, try refreshing the page or restarting your browser. 
  • If you continue to be asked for a user name and password the problem is on the vendor's end.  In this case, please contact the Library by texting us at 401-784-7004, calling us at 401-865-2581 or emailing us at  Please be as detailed as possible when reporting your problem as this will help us to determine faster what the problem is and how it may be addressed.

Off Campus

When trying to access databases from off campus, you will be asked to provide your name and library barcode number before the system will take you to the database. 

  • If you are receiving an error message then there is a problem with your library record.  This will have to be sorted out before you can access any database off campus. 
  • For best results, call the Access Services Desk at 401-865-1993. You may also text us at 401-784-7004 or email us at but a resolution to your problem will not be immediate this way.
  • Keep in mind that any problems with your record involving another HELIN library will require you to contact that library directly to have your record problem cleared; Providence College library cannot clear a problem you have with another library.
  • If you have successfully logged into the system with your name and library barcode number but are still asked for a user name and password, check the Database lists for the login information. 
  • If there is no login information provided, there is probably a problem on the vendor's end.  Please contact the Library by texting us at 401-784-7004, calling us at 401-865-2581 or emailing us at  Please be as detailed as possible when reporting your problem as this will help us to determine faster what the problem is and how it may be addressed.


If you are experiencing slowness when connecting to a database or working within a database on the Internet there are a few tricks you can try. 

1. Refresh the page by using the "reload current page button" usually found within the address bar at the top of your browser screen or by using the back button and then the foward button.

2. Close extra windows that maybe open and competing for access to your computer and the Internet.

3. Change your web browser.  Lately Internet Explorer has been problematical when printing, downloading, and using audio files, etc.  Try another browser such as Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.

4. Remove the proxy information embedded in the database web address.  You can try this only if you are on campus.  To do this delete the from the web address.  The usual web address for Academic Search Complete is:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=a9h

After you remove the proxy information it will look like this:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=a9h

Sometimes slowness is the result of a problem with the network or a problem with the database vendor.  If these fixes do not work for you please contact the Library by texting us at 401-784-7004, calling us at 401-865-2581 or emailing us at  Please be as detailed as possible when reporting your problem as this will help us to determine faster what the problem is and how it may be addressed.  Thank you!


Printing from databases can seem confusing as your web browser has a print function as well as the databases you are searching.  In general you should print your citations or documents using the print function of the database.  In general you should click on the title of the document so that the single record appears on the screen, click on the PDF to open the full text or click on the HTML button